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Top 100 Movie Review

Top 100 Movie Review

The movie that I watched was The Terminator. This is the trailer below.

The Terminator


   I watched the Terminator. I had seen parts of it before, and my mom loves it so I always knew the just. I have seen Michael Biehn in the Magnificent Seven and I obviously know who Arnold Schwarzenegger is. I chose this movie because it is a classic and I want to see as many classic movies as I can because as you and Grace Pinkus said, I am a movie nerd.

      This movie is about a girl named Sarah Connor who is being hunted down by a cyborg called the terminator. Her future son is a threat to the terminator's existence, so they have to terminate her before it's too late. A soldier from the future comes to the past to protect Sarah from the terminator at all costs. The movie goes through the intense car-chases and hide and seek games that the characters play. The end is a huge twist! (Not really but whatever)

      The main things that I noticed from the movie that I wouldn't have noticed before I took the class were the lighting, camera shots, sound, and acting. Most of the lighting with the terminator or with the police officers, was very dark and spooky so that you could only see the outline of people's faces or just the glow of their eyes. This was done on purpose to make the scene look more suspenseful and give you the "are they going to catch him?!" kind of feeling. The camera shots were done very strategically when the robot was "shedding" his skin. Obviously, at that point in time, the makeup and robot prosthetics weren't as advanced as they are now. So in one scene, Schwarzenegger is fixing his robot face and you can tell that the camera movies at certain points, or is at a certain angle so that you get the most realistic feel to it. The sound was also very specific to each character. When it was Sarah Connor, it was peppy 80s music that someone would listen to at work. When it was Shwarzeneggar or Biehn, they had a very deep heartbeat/bass sound so that you didn't know who it was but it would be suspenseful until you saw the face. The acting was kind of funny at some points because the storyline is so wild that when people are acting in this pre-dystopian society it seems like sort of a parody.

      I liked the movie, I wouldn't say it's one of my favorites but it is a classic and I think that everyone should watch it to see the change from makeup and robot movies from then and now. This movie showed me a lot about how much movies have changed over the years and how much better they have gotten. This movie was probably so crazy real to the audiences then, but it seems so easy to do now and I like being able to see the change throughout the years with Hollywood movies, as well as my own.

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